Our Team

Eithne Ni Dhomhnaill, RGN; MSc. Director, Nursing Matters & Associates.
Nursing Matters was established in August 2001 by Eithne Ni Dhomhnaill as a training and consultancy service to nurses and healthcare organisations. Eithne’s nursing career has spanned clinical practice, education and management. She has a particular interest in care of older persons and played a key role in the establishment of one of the first Nursing Development Units in Ireland during the 1990’s. Eithne has been designing and facilitating workshops for the Irish Nurses Organisation for the last seven years and has been a part-time lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at TCD. Eithne has also managed a number of high profile projects including the multi-site staffing levels project in the South Western Area Health Board; the publication of guidelines for the setting up and operation of childcare facilities in the health service; design of the ‚PG diploma in specialist nursing ‚ “promoting enablement in persons with a physical disability” at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD.
Eithne is currently the consultant to the ‘Nursing Homes Nursing Projects’ standards group involving over 110 nursing homes in Dublin and surrounding areas and was a member of the HIQA subgroup for the National Minimum Standards for Residential Care.

Andrea O’ Reilly, RGN, BSc., MSc., Dip HSM, Nurse Consultant, Nursing Matters & Associates.
Andrea has been employed as a nurse consultant with Nursing Matters & Associates since September 2010. She is a registered general nurse who has held positions as assistant director of nursing; practice development co ordinator; CNM 3 and CNM2 in both the public and private sector facilities for older persons. She has worked with both public and private nursing homes in conducting compliance surveys; preparation for inspections and responding to inspection reports and action plans. She has extensive experience in mentoring nurses in assessment and care planning; risk management and clinical governance.
Andrea has both an undergraduate and masters’ degree in nursing from the Dublin University of Ireland, Trinity College.
Andrea has been involved in training and education in all of her roles. She has a Diploma in Healt Service Management. She facilitates a range of workshops for the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and has provided on site training programmes for both the public and private nursing home sector.