Does your organisation have robust systems to protect patient safety?
Our Consultancy Services:- Comprehensive Risk Management and Clinical Governance Surveys.
- Development of Risk Management and Clinical Governance Strategies.
- Development of policies and procedures related to Risk management and Clinical Governance.
- Development of Clinical Audit Strategies and Plans.
- Human Resource Management Audits.
- Development of HR policies and procedures.
- Mentoring and support services for in-house risk management personnel.
- Risk Management.
- Risk Assessment.
- Health and Safety.
- Clinical Governance and Audit.
- Incident and Adverse Event Reporting.
- Investigating Serious Incidents.
- Healthcare Records Management.
- Legal Aspects of Record Keeping.
- Obtaining and Recording Consent.
- Writing Reports for Legal Cases.
- Courtroom Skills.
- Safe Medication Practice.
- Falls Prevention.
- Promoting a Culture of Patient Safety.
- Clinical Audit.
- Employment Law.
- Employment Investigations.
- Disciplinary Procedures.
- Safe Surgery.