Courses 2020

Nursing Matters and Associates can provide the following courses for the year 2020.

Medication Management (Elderly) 1 Day.
Preparing for End of Life 1 Day
Assessment and Care Planning  1 Day.
Assessment and Care Planning for:
Meeting Nutritional Needs of Older People 1 Day
Falls Prevention and Management  1 Day.
Decision Making and the Use of Restraint 1 Day.
Principles and Practice of Risk Management 1 Day
Principles and Practice of Clinical Governance 1 Day.
Audit and Clinical Audit 1 Day
Incident Reporting and Investigation 1 Day.
Preventing and Responding to Behaviours that Challenge 1 Day Management Competencies for Front Line Managers 3 Day programme.
Recognising and Responding to Deterioration in a Resident (NEWS –Nursing Home Early Warning System)    1 Day.
Elder Abuse ½ Day.
Infection Control for Nurses 1 Day.
Infection Control General  ½ Day.
Complaints Handling and Investigation.
The Safe Administration of Subcutaneous Fluids (Hypodermoclysis ) in Residential Care Settings.

Other courses can be developed specific to your own specific requirements. Please contact us for details.